

Our Broad Stem Cell Research Center Training Program provides predoctoral students, postdoctoral scholars and clinical fellows with hands-on experience in the labs of some of the world’s top stem cell researchers. Since 2006, the program has served as a pathway for education and career development that reflects the center's commitment to fostering the next generation of leaders in the fields of regenerative medicine and stem cell science.

2023-2024 BSCRC trainees

BSCRC trainee Auriana Arabpour
Auriana Arabpour
Cohort: Predoctoral student
Principal investigator: Amander T. Clark, Ph.D.
BSCRC trainee Natella Baliaouri
Natella Baliaouri
Cohort: Predoctoral student
Principal investigator: Bennett Novitch, Ph.D.
BSCRC trainee Aya Barzelay
Aya Barzelay, M.D., Ph.D.
Cohort: Clinical fellow
Principal investigator: Steven Schwartz, M.D.
Research areas: Eye Diseases
BSCRC trainee Clara Cano
Clara Cano
Cohort: Predoctoral student
Principal investigator: Kathrin Plath, Ph.D.
Chen, Chia-Chun (Olga) smiles for a headshot
Chia-Chun (Olga) Chen
Cohort: Predoctoral student
Principal investigator: Owen N. Witte, M.D.
BSCRC trainee Amanda Collier
Amanda Collier, Ph.D.
Cohort: Postdoctoral scholar
Principal investigator: Kathrin Plath, Ph.D.
BSCRC trainee Mary Doan
Mary Doan
Cohort: Predoctoral student
Principal investigator: Michael Teitell, M.D., Ph.D.
Research areas: Cancer & Immunotherapy
BSCRC trainee Carlos Galvan
Carlos Galván
Cohort: Predoctoral student
Principal investigator: William Lowry, Ph.D.
BSCRC trainee Yanruide (Charlie) Li
Yanruide (Charlie) Li, Ph.D.
Cohort: Postdoctoral scholar
Principal investigator: Lili Yang, Ph.D.
BSCRC trainee Tasha Lin
Tasha Lin, M.D.
Cohort: Clinical fellow
Principal investigator: Dinesh S. Rao, M.D., Ph.D.
BSCRC trainee Andrew Lund
Andrew Lund
Cohort: Predoctoral student
Principal investigator: Brigitte Gomperts, M.D.
Headshot of BSCRC trainee Tyler McCaw
Tyler McCaw, M.D., Ph.D.
Cohort: Clinical fellow
Principal investigator: Joseph G. Crompton, M.D., Ph.D.
Research areas: Cancer & Immunotherapy
BSCRC trainee Jessenya Mil
Jessenya Mil
Cohort: Predoctoral student
Principal investigator: Aparna Bhaduri, Ph.D.
BSCRC trainee Patricia Loren Nano
Patricia Loren Nano, Ph.D.
Cohort: Postdoctoral scholar
Principal investigator: Aparna Bhaduri, Ph.D.
BSCRC trainee Christopher Ochoa
Christopher Ochoa
Cohort: Predoctoral student
Principal investigator: Sanaz Memarzadeh, M.D., Ph.D.
BSCRC trainee Cesar Perez-Ramirez
César Pérez-Ramírez, Ph.D.
Cohort: Postdoctoral scholar
Principal investigator: Heather Christofk, Ph.D.
BSCRC trainee Eva Segura
Eva Segura
Cohort: Predoctoral student
Principal investigator: Donald B. Kohn, M.D.
BSCRC trainee Kuangyi Zhou
Kuangyi Zhou
Cohort: Predoctoral student
Principal investigator: Lili Yang, Ph.D.