For Members

Where to get help with:
Extramural Grants
We’re happy to provide a letter of support from the UCLA Broad Stem Cell Research Center describing the resources available at the center. Contact Celia Adelson at with the application deadline, project title and application number.
CIRM Grants
The California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, or CIRM, has certain unique requirements for its awards. The center can assist new applicants or fund managers with any unfamiliar aspects of the CIRM grant applications or post-award administration. For help, contact Celia Adelson at
Intramural Awards
Please visit Innovation Awards for information about the center’s intramural awards. If you have remaining questions, contact
Funding Search Tools and Sample Grant Applications
If you’d like to view a list of funding opportunities or get access to sample grant applications and grant writing guides, visit the UCLA Clinical and Translational Science Institute’s funding and grant support portal.
Shared Resources
Please visit Shared Resources for information about the center’s research cores and facilities. If you have remaining questions, contact Maria Dominguez at
Clinical Translation
For information about the Translational Cell Therapy Lab, contact Anu Dimashkie at
For questions regarding the UCLA Health Alpha Clinic, contact Laurie Shaker-Irwin at
For information about the UCLA Human Gene and Cell Therapy Facility, contact
Oversight and Review
For questions about the UCLA Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Research Oversight (hPSCRO) Committee, contact Maria Dominguez at
Learn about the UCLA Institutional Review Boards.
Learn about the UCLA Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC).
For information about the UCLA Broad Stem Cell Research Center Training Program or to add your email address to the listserv, please email and include "BSCRC Training Program" in the subject line. If you have any questions about this program, which is open to UCLA graduate students, post-docs and clinical fellows, contact Daniela Abib at
For information or questions about the Creating Opportunities through Mentorship and Partnership Across Stem Cell Science (COMPASS) Program for UCLA undergraduates, email
If you’re interested in hosting a California State University, Northridge undergraduate student intern in your lab through the CSUN-UCLA Stem Cell Scientist Training Program, contact Dr. Cindy Malone at
Communications, Media Relations and Social Media
If you’d like to connect with the center’s communications team to promote a new research publication or award announcement, have questions about how to respond to a media request, need help with social media or have a request to update your bio in our Member Directory, please use our new submission form or contact
BSCRC Brand Guide and Assets
Members wishing to use BSCRC branded assets such as logos, Zoom backgrounds and PowerPoint templates can access them using this Google Drive link.
Development and Fundraising
For questions regarding private philanthropy and donor relations, contact Sabrina Ayala at
Events and Symposia
For information or questions about center events including the BSCRC-JCCC seminar series and the center’s Annual Stem Cell Symposium, contact Noushig Karpanian at