Transformative Technology Development Awards

Two researchers observe a lab image on a computer, one pointing to the screen.

Our Transformative Technology Development Award program funds exploratory research projects focused on the inception or development of highly innovative technologies with significant transformative potential for stem cell science and regenerative medicine at UCLA. 

Awards support UCLA faculty seeking to develop innovative technologies with broad, clear applications for the advancement of stem cell research.

These awards lay the foundation for new and improved techniques, tools, instrumentation and devices that address key gaps, eliminate bottlenecks and strengthen our research capabilities.

  • This program is open to UCLA Westwood campus tenure track or in-residence faculty. 

    Each faculty applicant may only submit one proposal on which they are named principal investigator per cycle. 

    Collaborative proposals are strongly encouraged; such projects must designate a single lead principal investigator. Co-investigators cannot be listed on more than one application under this funding opportunity.

  • Award amounts vary with a maximum of $250,000 to support direct research costs for one year.

    Eligible costs:

    • Personnel
      • Principal Investigator salary and benefits must be no more than 10% of the total award
    • Supplies
    • Equipment*
      • * only funded in exceptional cases with specific justification
  • Full Application requests will be circulated Fall 2025; please check back for more information.

    Please do not hesitate to contact BSCRCAwards@mednet.ucla.edu if you have any questions.

Advance innovative stem cell technologies by donating below, or contact Development Director Sabrina Ayala at SAyala@mednet.ucla.edu or 310-321-8976 to learn more.