Our center uses donations to support promising research, train the next generation of scientists and clinicians and provide our investigators with the technology necessary to drive their discoveries to the clinic to help the patients who need them most.
Gifts to our center are administered via the UCLA Foundation. The federal taxpayer ID number for gifts to the UCLA Foundation is 95-2250801.
Ways to Give
You can easily make a gift online now using our secure online giving page.
To make a gift via check, please make your check payable to The UCLA Foundation and write Broad Stem Cell Research Center and the fund name, such as Annual Fund, Innovation Fund or Training Fund in the memo line. Checks can be mailed to the address below:
The UCLA Foundation
P.O. Box 7145, Pasadena, CA 91109-7145If using FedEx/UPS/DHL:
The UCLA Foundation
Attn: Patrick Bruno
Lockbox 7145, 14005 Live Oak Ave
Irwindale, CA 91706-1300To make a gift through a donor-advised fund, wire transfer or another method, please contact our Director of Development Sabrina Ayala at SAyala@mednet.ucla.edu or 310-321-8976 to discuss giving opportunities or if you have any questions.
Giving to our Annual Fund supports our center’s greatest needs. You may also designate your giving to the Innovation Fund, which directly supports faculty research, or our Training Fund, which provides critical resources to undergraduate and graduate students, post-doctoral scholars and clinical fellows engaged in stem cell research.
If you would like to support a specific faculty member, research focus or technology, please contact our Director of Development Sabrina Ayala at SAyala@mednet.ucla.edu or 310-321-8976 to discuss giving opportunities to areas that are most meaningful to you.
Absolutely! On the third screen of our secure online giving page, you may check the box to indicate that you are making a joint gift and provide the name of your spouse or recognized domestic partner.
If you would like to make a joint gift via check, wire transfer or another method, please contact our Director of Development Sabrina Ayala at SAyala@mednet.ucla.edu or 310-321-8976 for instructions.
Please contact our Director of Development Sabrina Ayala at SAyala@mednet.ucla.edu or 310-321-8976 to identify giving opportunities. Funding from corporations and foundations is vital to maintaining the center’s excellence and directly impacts our exceptional faculty research, trainees and programs.
Yes! We welcome gifts from around the world. Methods and tax benefits of giving vary from country to country. Please contact our Director of Development Sabrina Ayala at SAyala@mednet.ucla.edu or 310-321-8976 for more information about giving from your country of residence.
You may set up a recurring gift through our secure online giving page by simply clicking “recurring” on the second screen. When making this selection, you will be asked to specify how frequently you would like to give: monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually.
If you would like to set up a recurring gift over the phone, please contact our Director of Development Sabrina Ayala at SAyala@mednet.ucla.edu or 310-321-8976.
You may set up a pledge through our secure online giving page by selecting “make this gift a pledge” on the second screen. You may then choose from one of five scheduling options: two consecutive monthly payments, two semi-annual payments, four quarterly payments, four consecutive monthly payments or 12 consecutive monthly payments.
If you would like to make a pledge over the phone, via check or another method, please contact our Director of Development Sabrina Ayala at SAyala@mednet.ucla.edu or 310-321-89763.
Yes. On the third screen of our secure online giving page, simply check the box next to “make this gift anonymous.”
If you would like to make an anonymous gift over the phone, via check or another method, please contact Director of Development Sabrina Ayala at SAyala@mednet.ucla.edu or 310-321-8976 for help.
Yes. You may make a gift in honor of or in memory of someone through our secure online giving page by checking the box next to “I'd like to give this gift in honor or in memory of someone” on the bottom of the second screen.
You can then specify which type of gift you are making (in honor of, in memory of) and provide the name of the person you are recognizing. You may also enter contact information if you would like your honoree or someone else to be notified of your gift (optional).
If you would like to make a gift in honor of or in memory of someone over the phone, via check or another method, please contact our Director of Development Sabrina Ayala at SAyala@mednet.ucla.edu or 310-321-8976.
The impact of your gift to the center may be doubled or possibly tripled! To find out if your company has a matching gift policy, use our matching gift database.
On the bottom of the third screen of our secure online giving page, please check the box next to “my employer (or my spouse’s/partner’s employer) will match my gift.” You will then be prompted to enter the name of the employer that will match the gift. Some companies also match gifts made by retirees.
If you would like to learn more about making a matching gift, please contact our Director of Development Sabrina Ayala at SAyala@mednet.ucla.edu or 310-321-8976.
Yes, payroll deduction is an option for UCLA employees. You can easily set up a one-time or recurring payroll deduction now using our secure online giving page.
On the first screen (giving details page), please use the sign in feature on the top right using your last name and current UCLA Employee I.D. (only current UCLA employees will be given this option). The payroll deduction option will appear at the bottom of the second screen. Once you select the “payroll deduction option,” you will be given three choices for frequency in a dropdown menu: one time, short-term (pledge) or recurring.
Please contact our Director of Development Sabrina Ayala at SAyala@mednet.ucla.edu or 310-321-8976 if you have questions.
Planned Giving
Bequests are gifts made through an individual’s will or living trust and are the most common form of a planned gift. Whether you wish to provide general operating income or support a specific program or research focus, including the center in your will or living trust will make a lasting impact. It may also help reduce estate taxes.
Amounts that have accumulated tax-free in an Individual Retirement Account (IRA), 401(k), or another qualified plan can be an excellent resource for making an outright or legacy gift to the center. You can donate your unused retirement assets by designating The UCLA Foundation as the beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k), or other qualified plan.
To designate your gift, our office will work with you to develop an internal memo to specify how your gift will be directed at the center. Please contact our Director of Development Sabrina Ayala at SAyala@mednet.ucla.edu or 310-321-8976 to discuss giving opportunities or if you have any questions.
Donors age 70 ½ or older can take advantage of the Charitable IRA Rollover to make tax-free charitable gifts to the center while applying the gift amounts toward their required minimum distribution for the year.
Donors to the UCLA Broad Stem Cell Research Center can establish gifts that provide an income stream for life, such as a charitable gift annuity or charitable remainder unitrust.
Under the terms of a charitable gift annuity, you transfer assets today that will be used to benefit the center in the future. In the meantime, you and/or a loved one will receive guaranteed, fixed payments for life, a portion of which is tax-free, while claiming an immediate income tax charitable deduction.
A charitable remainder unitrust allows you to make a gift to the center and at the same time retain a benefit from the assets you give. Your irrevocable contribution of cash, securities or other property will be placed in a trust, and that trust will pay an income stream to you or your named beneficiary for life and/or for a set term of years. When the trust terminates, the UCLA Broad Stem Cell Research Center will receive the remaining funds, and you are entitled to receive an immediate income tax deduction for a portion of your contribution for the year the gift is made.
Gifts of other types of assets, such as real estate or appreciated securities, may better fit your needs and goals while providing you with tax or income benefits. Whether you wish to make a gift of your home while continuing to maintain residency or sell your property outright, the center can help you make all of the necessary arrangements for a simple and straightforward transaction.
For more information or a confidential conversation about ways to support the UCLA Broad Stem Cell Research Center through your estate or other gift planning arrangements, please contact our Director of Development Sabrina Ayala at SAyala@mednet.ucla.edu or 310-321-8976.